DMI Therapy

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) is used to help treat children with motor delays.

DMI Therapy

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) is used to help treat children with motor delays.

What Is DMI?

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) is a therapy technique that Exercise Physiologists and other allied health use to help treat children with motor delays.

The goal is to provoke a specific motor response from a defined exercise that is initiated by the practitioner. By using this technique the child is able to build upon automatic postural responses and work towards development of key milestones.

DMI stimulates neuroplasticity to establish new neural connections that allow the child to gradually progress and learn new motor patterns for skills such as crawling, standing and walking. DMI can also be used as foundation for improving:

  • Alignment & Postural Control
  • Range of Movement
  • Balance
  • Somatosensory Development
  • Modifying tone
  • Improving abnormal patterns of movement

What are DMI intensives?

DMI intensives are much the same as regular exercise intensives but focus solely using DMI therapy as the treatment. They allow children to achieve a functional goal in a short time frame using the principles of neuroplasticity.

You can read more on intensives buy visiting this page.

What conditions can DMI therapy assist?

Any child with neurological conditions no matter their level of cognitive function or the extent of neurological damage, this is because of the way neuroplasticity is stimulated in the developing brain.

Conditions that can benefit from DMI include:

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Down Syndrome
  • Global Developmental Delay
  • Hypotonia
  • Chromosomal abnormalities / genetic disorders
  • Acquired Brain Injuries

Children at risk of motor delays or neurological conditions, such as those born prematurely can also benefit from DMI due to the strong neuroplastic changes.

How do our Paediatric Exercise Physiologists assist your child through DMI treatment?

Following an assessment your Exercise Physiologist will identify areas of deficit and formulate a series of exercises that will challenge your child to their highest skill level as well as work on foundational movement skills.

During sessions children will complete a variety of DMI focused exercises that provide motor challenges. These exercises will be completed multiple times both during and across sessions until the movement becomes automatic.

Depending on the child’s age, abilities and goals these exercises will be completed either on the floor or therapy table.